The conference will be attended by speakers and participants from more than 10 countries





  • Digital EURO CBDC

  • Status of countries in the European Union with implementation

  • Potential concerns with CBDC launch

  • The main benefits of introducing CBD

  • Fintech – digital transformation of banks in practice

  • ESG in 2023

  • PSD 3

  • BAAS

  • Banks and sanctions lists

  • Fintech use cases in practice

  • The current state of various application areas and the presentation of innovative solutions for specific sectors of the economy

  • AML – international meeting of experts on the topic

  • Insurtech – how to attract talent to the sector, Conservative “mothers” vs innovators

  • The Fintech Valley Europe starts in Bratislava, FVE – Slovakia as not only a marketing hub of the Fintech region?

  • Crypto taxes in Slovakia – they are among the lowest in the EU, what can this bring us?

  • Mica – crypto regulation and its practical effects on entrepreneurs and users

  • Institutionalization of blockchain in the government sector

  • Presentation of data collection on the Fintech sector in Slovakia

  • Development and financing of startups through various financial instruments

  • Cooperation between Poland and Slovakia – Physical fintech delegation in Slovakia

  • Financial literacy – where we have moved over the past year

Download Agenda in PDF version:

Click here to download


October 24 (Tuesday) - Twin City C, Bratislava



The current state of the digital euro in the European Union, legislation, concerns and benefits

  • Do we need a digital euro?

  • How is the situation developing in the EU?

  • What is the current state of the legal framework for the digital euro? Are there countries that are further along in the CBDC implementation or testing phase?

  • Can the digital euro be “dead on arrival”?

  • There are also possible concerns that may arise with the introduction of the digital euro. What are some of these concerns?

  • Is there a concern that the digital euro could threaten the privacy of individuals?

  • Another concern is cyber security. CBDC brings new challenges in this area. What steps are necessary to make the digital euro resistant to cyber attacks and abuse?

  • CBDC & CEE countries

  • What are the main benefits that the digital euro brings?

PANEL DISCUSSION I 11:00 - 12:30 (CET)

Mica regulation and its adaptation across countries and sector

  • What is MiCA?

  • Who and what does MiCA apply to?

  • What are the key points of the MiCA regulation?

  • When will MiCA take effect?

  • How are states, regulators and innovative companies preparing for MiCA?

  • What advantages and benefits result from the introduction of MiCA for European countries?

  • What challenges do individual states, national regulators and innovative companies face with the introduction of MiCA?

  • What is its practical interpretation for commercial banks?

  • And what for the innovative sector?

  • Is Europe gaining a unique “tool” in the global competitive environment?

PANEL DISCUSSION I 13:30 - 15:00 (CET)

The largest meeting of fintech ecosystems in Central Europe

  • The fintech economy is expected to become a $1.5 trillion industry by 2030

  • Will we be part of this digital transformation as a leader or as a “train runner”?

  • Let’s jointly and concretely create the issue of international cooperation of the countries of the CEE region


October 25 (Wednesday)


Banks on the Digital Ride: From Old Rules to New Opportunities

  • Enter the world of financial innovation and new challenges of our time. In our discussion panel, we will discuss the balance between traditional financial institutions and dynamic fintech companies and the opportunities that digital transformation offers.

  • Abstract of the Discussion Panel: “The ‘Banks on the Digital Ride’ discussion panel will focus on the critical challenges and innovative opportunities they face financial institutions and fintech companies in 2023. The growth of fintechs has had a major impact on traditional banks, which have to adapt to the changing environment. This discussion will explore ways banks can handle the rise of fintech startups and how to innovate their services in the digital age. At the same time, we will deal with the issue of ESG and sustainability in banking, the regulation that will affect open banking according to the PSD3 directive, and the challenges and opportunities brought by artificial intelligence in the financial sector. We will also discuss the climate crisis associated with payment cards and ways to solve it. All these topics will lead us to the world of banking in the digital age, where strategy, innovation and sustainability will be key success factors for financial institutions.”

PANEL DISCUSSION I 11:05 - 12:35 (CET)

Future of Payment Services: Transforming Financial Transactions in a Connected World

This panel will outline the future of payment services, crucial for the exchange of funds between banks, financial institutions, state institutions such as the Treasury and the B2B sector. Evolving technology and new regulatory frameworks are changing the way the payments ecosystem works, transforming payments. We will discuss the growing role of digital identities, secure authentication methods and new payment solutions. API economy, Open Data will also be topics. We will present the opportunities associated with open banking and the risks, such as AML, PSD3 and sanctions lists, that this new payment environment brings. Join us and discover how the transformation of payment services is changing the world of transactions.

PANEL DISCUSSION I 13:30 - 14:50 (CET)

Global trends, concrete examples and potential implementations of innovation in the insurance industry

  • Current barriers in acquiring talent, motivation and the perspective of applying insurtech innovation in Slovakia

  • Conservative “mothers” Vs innovators

  • What areas offer significant potential for innovation in the insurance industry and can have a major impact on process improvement, product personalization and risk prediction within insurance companies

  • We will touch on the top 3 fundamental topics and opportunities for innovation in the insurance industry:

    • Digital transformation: The transition to a digital platform and the use of digital technologies enables the improvement of internal processes, communication with clients and data management. The creation of mobile applications for clients, online portals for managing insurance contracts and submitting claims, automating the processes of processing insurance claims and using analytical tools for data processing are key aspects of digital transformation.

    • Personalized insurance products: Thanks to advanced analytical tools and data, it is possible to develop personalized insurance products that better suit the needs of individual clients. The use of data on the behavior of clients, their history of claims and other relevant factors makes it possible to adapt the insurance product and set a suitable price.

    • Predictive damage analysis: The use of predictive analysis techniques helps to identify risks and potential insurance claims in advance. Based on damage history and other factors, it is possible to develop risk prediction models and alert clients to preventive measures or offer customized insurance.

PANEL DISCUSSION I 15:00 - 16:30 (CET)

Transformation of Financial Institutions in the Era of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Web 3.0: Trends for 2023

Dear participants, we cordially invite you to our discussion panel, where we will explore key topics related to the integration of blockchain, tokenization and new technologies not only in the financial sector in 2023 and their impact on other sectors of the economy.

  • The emergence of the fintech industry dates back to 2007, and since then the convergence of the financial and technological sectors has been unstoppable. On the other hand, the blockchain process was invented back in 1991 and is still one of the most debated issues in the financial industry.

  • The Development of Fintech Industry and the Role of Blockchain: We will examine the development of fintech and its connection with blockchain, which is changing not only the financial sector, but also other areas.

  • Financial Industry and Blockchain Integration: We will focus on the challenges the financial industry faces in integrating blockchain and how these changes affect innovation policies and other sectors.

  • The Coming of the Likely Crypto Bullmarket: What can the financial industry expect in the upcoming bullmarket and how does this growth translate into other areas of the economy?

  • CryptoTrends for the Year 2023: We analyze trends in the field of cryptocurrencies and their impact on investment strategies and other economic spheres. Turbulence in the Crypto Industry: We discuss the challenges facing the crypto industry and their implications for markets and other industries.

  • The Road to Web 3.0: Trends for 2023: We examine the trends associated with the development of Web 3.0 and its impact on various industries.

  • Web 3.0: Security, Scalability, Regulation and Endless Opportunities – A New Era of Digital Transformation and Revolutionary Business Models for Your Digital Community”Spreading the Impact of Technologies: Experts will talk about how these technologies are spreading beyond the borders of the financial sector and affecting the global economy.

This discussion will allow us to better understand how these innovations are changing not only the financial sector, but also other industries, and how we can take advantage of new opportunities and solutions in 2023.


We are continuously updating the program:

  • 17:00 – 17:05 welcome speech Davy Čajko

  • 17:05 – 17:10 welcome speech Maciej Ruczaj (PL) – Ambassador of Poland to Slovakia

  • 17:10 – 17:20 Jakub Dzięgiel (PL) – FinTech Specialist FinTech and eCommerce department at Alior Bank

  • 17:20 – 17:30 Zoltán Ács (HU) – Managing Director at MBH Fintechlab

  • 17:30 – 17:40 William Jalloul (CZ) – Founder / CEO at Flowpay

  • 17:40 – 17:50 representative of SCR technologies (SK)

  • 17:50 – 18:00 representative of Accai (SK)

  • 18:00 – 18:10 representative of Instea (SK)

  • 18:10 – 18:20 Gabriel Stefanak (LV) – Sales Executive at Decta



October 26 (Thursday) - Online

PANEL DISCUSSION I 13:00 - 14:30 (CET)

Economic / Financial Literacy of Slovaks: Reflection of the Past and Challenges of the Future

This discussion focuses on the state of economic literacy in the Slovak Republic and analyzes the progress achieved, but also the current challenges in this area. We will analyze the cooperation between the third sector and the state and evaluate its impact on the financial literacy of citizens in the context of constant inflation. The question remains whether the future government should include prevention among its top priorities, i.e. education in the field of economic literacy for Slovaks of various age categories, with the aim of preventing adverse life situations and other benefits resulting from the strengthening of knowledge in this area.

  • State of Economic Literacy: Evaluation of the current state of economic literacy in Slovakia and identification of weak points.

  • “A message for the new government” – Cooperation between the Third Sector and the State: Discussion on how the cooperation of non-profit organizations, such as JA Slovakia (nominated for the Nobel Prize), with the state contributes to the development of economic literacy and its importance for the stability and prosperity of the country.

  • The Value of Education and Non-Profit Organizations: Examining the importance of supporting education and non-profit organizations, not only in the context of employability, but also in the broader context of the future of Slovakia and its citizens.

This discussion aims to raise awareness of the importance of economic literacy and the challenges Slovakia faces, and to increase the emphasis on long-term investments in education and the non-profit sector.



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Finas Meetup #10

Tenth jubilee meeting of Fintech leaders from Slovakia and abroad

DAY 1 (October 24)

- Guests

  • 1-Day Ticket (In-person)
  • Food & Beverage
  • B2B application
DAY 2 (October 25)

- Guests

  • 1-Day Ticket (In-person)
  • Food & Beverage
  • B2B application
DAY 3 - ONLY VIRTUAL (October 26)

- Guests

  • 1-Day Ticket



- Guests

  • 2-Days Ticket (In-person)
  • Food & Beverage
  • B2B application



- Guests

  • 3-Days Ticket (In-person)
  • Food & Beverage
  • B2B application



- Guests

  • 3-Days Ticket (In-person)
  • Food & Beverage
  • B2B application




  • Food & Beverage


FINAS MEETUP #10 (October 25)


  • Food & Beverage















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