Fintechecosystem – effectivepartnerships for profit

Sep 24, 2020


90 min.

  • What are the key attributes of successful partnership among fintechs, venture capital, banks, (financial services) and regulators/supervisors? And what are the obstacles?
  • What role do supervisory authorities play in the FinTech ecosystem?
  • Will the relationship between fintechs and traditional financial intermediaries change in the future? If yes, how?
  • In which product areas will they cooperate even closer and where will they ‘go’ their own way (banks and fintechs)?
  • Are CEN/Slovak fintechs interesting from investors/VC perspective? Do we have sufficient capital available to develop local fintech environment? If not, why?
  • Jekaterina Govina (LT)

    Executive Director of Supervision Service

    National bank of Lithuania

  • Martin Krendl (SK)



  • Elena Kozhemyakina (UK)


  • Martin Peter (SK)

    Chairman of the Center for Financial Innovation

    Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic

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